Tuesday, September 8, 2009

School TIME!

Today was the first day of class and I think it went pretty well.

My first FIRST class was a seminar on graduate school life, specifically the department and the state of the field. I think it should be pretty interesting.

The second course is on foreign policy and I'm REALLY excited about it. The readings seem good, the prof seems knowledgeable/engaging, and the material sounds like fun. I'm excited for next week!

I'm still pretty nervous about the rest of this week--I'm worried (what?! that's new and different...not) about my workload. We'll see.

On the plus side, got to meet the university president today. Two other students and I went over during an open house :)

More later :)


We've decided to do schnauzer rescue because I like puppies and who wouldn't want to help them find their forever homes?!

I am pleased to introduce Cain:

I think Percy looks like imitation schnauzer next to him:

Percy is also a bit jealous of the attention Cain's getting...but once Cain finds a family and moves on, I think Percy will understand the name of this game

Monday, September 7, 2009

Back from Canada!

Had a great weekend and now I'm preparing for my first week of GRAD SCHOOL! Wish me luck!!

Also, here are just a couple pics from the trip:
Coming in to the city:
Out on the lake

out for dim sum (YUM) with friends

of course, the REAL reason I agreed to come along :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

This is IT!

My last week before GRADUATE school! Math camp finished up today--I'm glad I went to meet the other incoming students, but most of it was review. However, it was nice to feel like I actually know *something* !!

Later this week I'm heading out to a conference, which I'm pretty pumped about. I like conferences for some reason, although it'd be nice if I could knit while there :)

As I'm getting ready to start classes, I'm trying to get everything together and organized for the semester and beyond. My knitting/xmas list has definitely suffered as of late, so I really need to get the ball rolling. I thought that I'd knit myself one more selfish thing before I started on my xmas list, but I'm definitely stalled!! Oh well. I'm hoping inspiration will strike soon.

I'm not quite sure how I feel about starting this semester. I'm glad I was here for the summer to get used to the area and settled in our house, but I'm a bit nervous for classes to begin. At first, I thought graduate school would be the mental equivalent of rocket science, but so far my summer courses have seemed very manageable. Not easy, but definitely something I could do!

I'm hoping to post semi-frequent updates about life over the course of the semester. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I want to study and what type of career I think would be right for me. This will be a start to a long journey...wish me luck!